Curated by Wenyi Chu

03 Jun 2021
ChartsCSS / charts.css

Charts.css is an open source CSS framework for data visualization.

Visualization help end-users understand data. Charts.css help frontend developers turn data into beautiful charts and graphs using simple CSS classes.

No dependencies. 72kb file size. Less than 6kb gzipped file size!

ChartsCSS / charts.css
Serve responsive images

Serving desktop-sized images to mobile devices can use 2–4x more data than needed. Instead of a "one-size-fits-all" approach to images, serve different image sizes to different devices.

Once you've implemented responsive images, you can use Lighthouse to make sure that you didn't miss any images. Run the Lighthouse Performance Audit (Lighthouse > Options > Performance) and look for the results of the Properly size images audit. These results will list the images that need to be resized.

CSS for Web Vitals

The way you write your styles and build layouts can have a major impact on Core Web Vitals. This is particularly true for Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).

This article covers CSS-related techniques for optimizing Web Vitals. These optimizations are broken down by different aspects of a page: layout, images, fonts, animations, and loading.

CSS for Web Vitals
deepfakes / faceswap

FaceSwap is a tool that utilizes deep learning to recognize and swap faces in pictures and videos.

When faceswapping was first developed and published, the technology was groundbreaking, it was a huge step in AI development. It was also completely ignored outside of academia because the code was confusing and fragmentary. It required a thorough understanding of complicated AI techniques and took a lot of effort to figure it out. Until one individual brought it together into a single, cohesive collection.

It ran, it worked, and as is so often the way with new technology emerging on the internet, it was immediately used to create inappropriate content. Despite the inappropriate uses the software was given originally, it was the first AI code that anyone could download, run and learn by experimentation without having a Ph.D. in math, computer theory, psychology, and more.

Before "deepfakes" these techniques were like black magic, only practiced by those who could understand all of the inner workings as described in esoteric and endlessly complicated books and papers.

deepfakes / faceswap
02 Jun 2021
The CRM is dead. Long live the CDP

CRMs are not enough anymore, you need a Customer Data Platform.

What is a Customer Data Platform?

Not unlike a CRM, a CDP collects customer data.

But the similarities end there, with two crucial differences:

  • All users: CRMs focus on known or potential customers, CDPs track all users, anonymous or identified.
  • All data: instead of structured data collected manually or semi-manually, CDPs ingest data produced by any channel: online or offline, structured or unstructured.

More importantly, CDPs handle identity resolution allowing you to create a unified profile of your customers and audience across all channels.

The CRM is dead. Long live the CDP
Front-End Testing is For Everyone

Testing is one of those things that you either get super excited about or kinda close your eyes and walk away. Whichever camp you fall into, I’m here to tell you that front-end testing is for everyone. In fact, there are many types of tests and perhaps that is where some of the initial fear or confusion comes from.

Scroll to the end if you lack of time, the wrapping up table is great.

Front-End Testing is For Everyone
A guide to the Modern Minimal UI style

I called this design style “Modern Minimal”. It’s minimalistic comparing to the other design styles, but at the same time is not as dull and boring as old Material Design or Flat. You can spot many inspirations from the different styles in it (like skeumorphism and glassmorphism, even!) but as you will see, it all works together and it doesn’t exceed certain level of visual complexity.

In general, Modern Minimal style embraces the following characteristics:

  • Bright backgrounds and whitespace
  • Subtle roundness on UI elements
  • Big, readable headings
  • Real-life photography
  • Thoughtful use of colors
  • Focus on contrast
  • Limited use of effects
  • Small details, often illustrated
A guide to the Modern Minimal UI style
How To Create an awesome Parallax Scrolling Effect

GSAP (Greensock Animation API) is an animation library that helps you create awesome animations. It can be used safely (back to IE6!) to create animations without jank, and it’s the only animation library (as far as I know) that handles SVG animations seamlessly.

How To Create an awesome Parallax Scrolling Effect
Extreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU EC2 Instance

This post will walk you through the performance tuning steps that I took to serve 1.2 million JSON "API" requests per second from a 4 vCPU AWS EC2 instance. For the purposes of this recreated quest, we will ignore most of the dead ends and dark alleyways that I had to struggle through on my solo expedition.

Instead, we will mainly stick to the happy path, moving steadily from serving 224k req/s at the start, with the default configuration, to a mind-blowing 1.2M req/s by the time we reach the end.

Extreme HTTP Performance Tuning: 1.2M API req/s on a 4 vCPU EC2 Instance
Understanding Ruby Method Lookup

Ruby lets you express yourself like few other languages, with a minimum of boilerplate. It's fantastic until it isn't. Until one day when you think you're calling the `foo` method you wrote last week, but instead, you end up calling a `foo` method that came with some gem from 2008. In these situations, knowing about Ruby's method lookup rules will save your bacon.
