Curated by Wenyi Chu

27 May 2021
Google Search Console performance report gains practice problems

Google announced a new addition to the performance report in Search Console, specific for the practice problems rich results. You can now track your performance for your practice problem rich results.

If you are in the education online content business, you may want to leverage these new structured data types to get more exposure in the Google Search results. These may help increase your click-through rates on some of your snippets in the search results and it may help you gain more traffic to your site.

Google Search Console performance report gains practice problems
Looking to leave WordPress behind? You’re not alone

Rising priorities like site speed and multi-platform distribution are driving enterprises to explore headless and hybrid content management systems, being the "single source of truth" for content marketers and it incorporates an application programming interface (API) that allows the CMS to deliver content to any channel.

The progress WordPress has made since its inception is undeniably admirable — it has nearly singlehandedly democratized web publishing and has remained incredibly versatile, in part because of a developer ecosystem responsible for nearly 60,000 plug-ins. Wordpress gains incredibly 64.6% of CMS market share in 2021, while Shopify takes second place with merely 5.4% market share.

Looking to leave WordPress behind? You’re not alone
SlashData: JavaScript and Python boast largest developer communities

A new report from SlashData highlights the huge growth (14%) in the global developer community over the past six months.

JavaScript continues to attract new developers and is the largest developer community at around 13.8 million.

Even in software sectors where JavaScript is not among developers' top choices, like data science or embedded development, about a fourth of developers use it in their projects.

Python takes second place in community size with 10.1 million. The language’s developer community is growing the fastest of the established programming languages at a rate of 20 percent.

Top 5 of programming language communities in Q1 2021

  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Java
  • C/C++
  • C#
SlashData: JavaScript and Python boast largest developer communities