Curated by Wenyi Chu

29 May 2021
Trendy Gradients in Web Design

Gradients have been trendy for a while now, they initially made a comeback in a conventional way in backgrounds and images. Spotify made them popular again by applying duotone gradients over photos as a characteristic element of the brand in its campaigns and microsites. History is currently being revisited, taking us through an exploration of the different aesthetic movements of the 80s and the beginnings of web design in the 90s. This revival gives us multicolored retro gradients and duotone gradients from V A P O R W A V E to Memphis Design.

In the end of the article, lots of gradient generating tool are introduced. A good list to add to your collection!

Trendy Gradients in Web Design
Lineicons 3.0 | 5000+ Line Icons for Designers and Developers

with Free CDN, Regular-Light Variations, Icon Editor and More

Handcrafted Free Line Icons for Modern User Interfaces of Web, Mobile, and Desktop App Design & Development Projects. A Complete Yet Most Simplified Line Icon Pack Available on The Web!

Lineicons 3.0 | 5000+ Line Icons for Designers and Developers
28 May 2021
Why (and how) GitHub is adopting OpenTelemetry

We needed a solution that would allow us to standardize telemetry usage at GitHub, while making it easy for developers around the organization to instrument their code. The OpenTelemetry project provided us with exactly that!

OpenTelemetry introduces a common, vendor-neutral format for telemetry signals: OTLP. It also enables telemetry signals to be easily correlated with each other.

Why (and how) GitHub is adopting OpenTelemetry
How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users

Below, you’ll find first-hand accounts of how essentially every major consumer app acquired their earliest users, including lessons from Tinder, Uber, Superhuman, TikTok, Product Hunt, Netflix, and many more. Enjoy!

My biggest takeaways from this research:

  1. Just seven strategies account for every consumer apps’ early growth.
  2. Most startups found their early users from just a single strategy. A few like Product Hunt and Pinterest found success using a handful. No one found success from more than three.
  3. The most popular strategies involve going to your user directly — online, offline, and through friends. Doing things that don’t scale.
  4. To execute on any of these strategies, it’s important to first narrowly define your target user. Andy Johns recently shared some great advice about this.
  5. The tactics that you use to get your first 1,000 users are very different from your next 10,000. A topic for a different post.

In summary, top seven strategies to acquire your first 1,000 users

  1. Go where your target users are, offline
  2. Go where your target users are, online
  3. Invite your friends
  4. Create FOMO in order to drive word-of-mouth
  5. Leverage influencers
  6. Get press
  7. Build a community pre-launch
How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users
River Runner

Watch the path of a raindrop from anywhere in the contiguous United States.

River Runner
10 elements of landing pages that convert

Landing pages are central to successful marketing campaigns; they allow you to target particular customers with particular solutions to particular problems.

It’s easy to confuse what a landing page is because users “land” on many pages. When we talk about landing pages, we mean a page that is entirely dedicated to a particular type of customer. In fact, if we could create a unique landing page for each individual user, that would be awesome.

You might think your homepage is a landing page, but it’s not; users reach your landing page in various ways — directly, via organic search, or backlink. A landing page is normally dedicated to a specific marketing campaign. It is accessed from a link in an email, via social media, or most often via a PPC (Pay Per Click) advert.

Here are 10 elements of landing pages that are proven to convert successfully:

10 elements of landing pages that convert
Second-guessing the modern web

The emerging norm for web development is to build a React single-page application, with server rendering. The two key elements of this architecture are something like:

  • The main UI is built & updated in JavaScript using React or something similar.
  • The backend is an API that that application makes requests against.

This idea has really swept the internet. It started with a few major popular websites and has crept into corners like marketing sites and blogs.

I’m increasingly skeptical of it.

Falling Into The Pit of Success

I think this concept extends even farther, to applications of all kinds: big, small, web, GUIs, console applications, you name it. I've often said that a well-designed system makes it easy to do the right things and annoying (but not impossible) to do the wrong things.

If we design our applications properly, our users should be inexorably drawn into the pit of success. Some may take longer than others, but they should all get there eventually.

If users aren't finding success on their own – or if they're not finding it within a reasonable amount of time – it's not their fault. It's our fault. We didn't make it easy enough for them to fall into the pit of success. Consider your project a Big Dig: your job is to constantly rearchitect your language, your API, or your application to make that pit of success ever deeper and wider.

Falling Into The Pit of Success
NocoDB - Open Source Airtable Alternative

NocoDB is an open source #NoCode platform that turns any database into a smart spreadsheet.

Connect to new/existing SQL database and turn them into spreadsheet.

  • It is free & self-hostable. Let your imagination be thy limit
  • Create grid view, gallery view, kanban view and calendar view on top your data
  • Search, sort, filter columns and rows with ultra ease

You can also invite your team to collaborate just like spreadsheet. Automate business workflows with you favourite apps : Microsoft Teams Slack, Discord, Whatsapp, Twilio, Email & SMS

The headless APIs with Swagger & GraphiQL GUI is amazing.

NocoDB - Open Source Airtable Alternative
Access Google Surveys and Google Analytics 4 data in Data Studio

Today, Data Studio users can access over 300 data sets in just a couple clicks. From Google Ads to BigQuery to your CRM data, you can spend more time finding and sharing insights and less time configuring data sources.

With two brand new data connectors you can access even more data through Data Studio to help you analyze your marketing investments and make decisions. You can now access your market research data with our new Google Surveys connector and connect to the next generation of Google Analytics with support for Google Analytics 4 properties.

Accessing the data you need to make better decisions is only the first step. Finding insights from the data and determining the best way to communicate the insights to stakeholders can be challenging and time consuming.

We’re making it easier to get started with new marketing templates across common data sets like Google Ads, Search Ads 360 and more. You can find over 30 solutions to help you get started in the Data Studio gallery.

Access Google Surveys and Google Analytics 4 data in Data Studio